After a phenomenal success of Math Challenge program in our debut year, Ella Baker PTSA has partnered again with Math-In-Action to bring the program to all Ella Baker students and families. This year, we are also introducing awards for students who show consistent interest in the program. Math Challenge is open to all students (grades K-5) and is free to participate.



  • Register for Math Challenge by Oct 15 (Required step in order to be eligible for awards)
  • Download Math Challenge #1 (available starting Sep 27)
  • Read the general instructions on the first page of Challenge #1 - this will set the tone and intent for all challenges for the year.



  1. Download your Math Challenge.
  2. Fill in your name, grade, teacher's name, and parent's email clearly - without legible information, we will NOT be able to consider your submission for an award.
  3. Show us your work! Attach extra sheets if needed so we can see how you arrived to your solution.
  4. Turn in your Math Challenge to your teacher by the listed Due Date.

    • What if I miss this deadline? You can still submit your Math Challenge before the Solution is posted (dates are listed below); however, to be fair to all participants, any Challenges submitted after the Due Date will not be entered for award counting.
  5. Parent Volunteers will "grade" your submission and return it in two weeks.

Awards will be given TWICE during the school year:
  • The first award will be given after Math Challenge #8 (Feb 3 cut-off date)
  • The second award will be given at the end of the school year.

Following number of Submissions are required for each student to be eligible for an award:

  • Grades K-1: 1 submission
  • Grade 2: 2 submissions
  • Grade 3: 3 submissions
  • Grade 4: 4 submissions
  • Grade 5: 5 submissions

Students must attempt the minimum number of required questions (listed on every challenge) for their grade. (Ex: Kindergartners need to attempt a minimum of 4 out of 15 questions.)





(FRI - 3PM)


(THR - 3PM)


(FRI - 6PM)

Math Challenge #1 9/27 10/3 10/11
Math Challenge #2 10/11 10/17 10/25
Math Challenge #3 10/25 10/31 11/8
Math Challenge #4 11/8 11/14 11/22
Math Challenge #5 11/22 11/28 12/13
Math Challenge #6 12/13 12/19 1/10
Math Challenge #7 1/10 1/16 1/24
Math Challenge #8 1/24 1/30 2/7
Math Challenge #9 2/7 2/13 2/21
Math Challenge #10 2/21 2/27 3/6
Math Challenge #11 3/6 3/12 3/20
Math Challenge #12 3/20 3/26 4/3
Math Challenge #13 4/3 4/15 4/24
Math Challenge #14 4/24 4/30 5/8
Math Challenge #15 5/8 5/14 5/22








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